Voluntary Service in Germany (BFD)
your profile
You are between 18 and 26 years old and
- Motivated to bring your gifts and abilities to the work of the YMCA Nürnberg
- Motivated to invest in your faith in Jesus Christ
- ready to stand up for others
- want to broaden your horizons and break down prejudices
- want to orientate yourself when it comes to choosing a career
- Active participation in a YMCA in China
- Passion for people
- Openness to the Christian faith
- Fluent English skills
- Ideally, basic knowledge of German
Possible in the YMCA Nuremberg, among other places, where the conditions are as follows:
Pocket money: € 200
Subsidy for meals: 100 €
Free accommodation: € 78.05 (The Voluntaries of the YMCA Nuremberg live together in a shared apartment)
Next possible voluntary service:
Starting point: 08/25 - 08/22
Application Deadline: 10/31
Seminar days: There are a total of 25 seminar days
- Introductory seminar: 25.08.-30.08
- Short seminar in November
- Seminar on political education (end of November / December) from Bafza (Federal Office for Family and Civil Society Tasks)
- Intermediate seminar with a worldwide weekend (with encounter: former and future Volis weltwärts north-south and incomings = weltwärts south-north)
- AG meeting in March
- Final seminar in June
- Departure on August 22nd
The flight booking always includes two free pieces of baggage, each weighing 23 or 22 kg.
We then pick up the Voluntary personally from the airport in Berlin and spend the first few days there with you at the introductory seminar. After the seminar, we will put them on the train at their deployment sites and then start their work on site.
Next possible voluntary service:
Working time: 12 months (Beginning End of August)
Working time: 10 months (September to June)
Target group: young people (18-26 years old)
Support: 100€ monthly meal allowance, 200€ pocket money
Your contact person
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