Responsibilities for the websites of the YMCA Nuremberg are held by the CVJM Nürnberg e. V.
The addresses of all participating YMCA are listed on the contact page.
Christlicher Verein Junger Menschen Nürnberg e.V.
Kornmarkt 6
90402 Nürnberg
Telephone 00 49 (0) 911 206 29 0
Fax 00 49 (0) 911 206 29 33
Bank Details:
IBAN DE39 5206 0410 0003 5070 17 (Vereinskonto)
IBAN DE27 5206 0410 0003 5000 55 (Spendenkonto)
Evangelische Bank
Executive board:
Simon Neugebauer, Lena Kurpat, Oliver Mally, Thomas Schmitz
Register court:
district court - register court - Nuremberg
Registration number:
VR 379 in Nürnberg
Tax number:
241/107/50664 UV4
Responsible for content according to § 18 MStV
Senior Secretary Oliver Mally (address as above). His responsibility is limited to the content listed in the Kornmarkt section. Other legally independent YMCA branches are responsible for their own content.
Christina Burdack