Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong
The Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong was founded in 1901 and, with 80,000 members, 1,800 full-time employees and 3,000 volunteers in more than 50 YMCA institutions, operates a wide variety of Christian-oriented youth and social work. Through the various fields of work, the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong is involved in various fields of youth policy (e.g. participation of young people, integration, volunteering, education, drug prevention, family).
Based on the Paris Basis, the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong was established in 1901. The objective and purpose were set forth in the constitution as: "The development of Christian character and the cultivation of the Christian spirit of service among young men, in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ."
To achieve this goal, a group of fervent Christian leaders and friends initiated a wide range of activities ...
- through which members could develop their interests,
- to promote meaningful socialisation, sports and recreational, cultural, educational activities; and to cultivate the spirit to serve among young people,
- to promote Christian ethics,
to enhance the well-being of the individual, - to enable members to become good and responsible citizens of society.
Over the years, with the steadfast support of the government, organisations and churches, the Association has expanded. Today it has more than 50 service centers all over the territory and a total of over 80,000 members.
Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong is a Christian service organisation based in Hong Kong as part of the global YMCA movement. The Association is committed to building a civil and compassionate Hong Kong through uniting people with the same spirit to extend the Kingdom of God; fostering youth leadership to shoulder social responsibility with keen concern for the motherland and the world; and promoting multiple service programmes based on wholistic personal growth, commitment to the underprivileged and reconciliation extending from self to society.
In order to be able to reach people in all walks of life, the work of the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong is divided into different areas in which different programs are offered.
social services
- Child and youth work
- YMCA work at universities and colleges - Uni-Y
- International work and work with mainland China
- Youth Policy Council
- Social work in schools
- Advisory institutions
- Rehabilitation offers
- Senior work
- Support for business start-ups with a social character
Educational service
- YMCA Kindergartens
- YMCA Elementary Schools
- YMCA College
- YMCA adult education institutions
Leisure & sport
- Various sports facilities spread across Hong Kong
Hotel offers
- YMCA Cityview Hotel
- YMCA Harbourview Hotel
- Wu Kwai Sha Youth Camp
- Lions - YMCA Junk Bay Youth Camp
- Y's Men - YMCA Wong Yo Chau Youth Camp
Christian work
- Institute for Christian Services
- Christian music service
- Evangelization service