We enhance the getting to know and the understanding between the international YMCA-associations. (International understanding: intercultural exchange, reduction of prejudices, establishment of friendships)
We establish an active exchange work program for young people between Nuremberg, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong. (Establishment of exchanges for adolescents for short-term and long-term volunteering)
We offer a platform for young people and different possibilities with a mutual exchange as youth leaders to promote the participants’ duties in their own societies. (German as well as Chinese adolescents and youth leaders know the basics of practical youth work and informal education in theory and practise through each other)
We offer possibilities for young people to get to know the way of how Christians confess their faith in Jesus Christ and practice it. (Sympathy for the awakening spiritual situation and the social changes in China) We prepare young people to play their role in a globalised world. (Learn to understand global interrelations)
We will learn from each other in order to improve and expand our service of YMCA-work in the particular country. (Inspiration through differently composed association work)
We strengthen the worldwide YMCA-network through the partnership. (GOP: Global Operating Plan of the international alliance)
The YMCA of Nuremberg wants to learn from the YMCA of Hong Kong about managing the size of an association. (How is one able to introduce the vision/mission of the YMCA in a big association? How can an association be economically and structurally organised?)