Areas of Responsibility in Detail
- Voluntary service in and out (IJFD and Weltwärts) between China and Germany
- Chinese and German young people in exchange
- Specialists in exchange
- Chinese pupils and students in the programs of the CYMCA Chinese
- professionals in the YMCAs and affiliated organizations
- Target groups of the Chinese YMCA (migrant workers' children, people with disabilities, homeless people, senior citizens, etc.)
- German community in Hong Kong (communities, companies, organizations)
1. Promotion of youth and social work - the new skilled workers will help with the volunteer service providers through the deep insight into the CYMCA work to improve and expand the service in youth and social work in the respective country.
- The specialists guide the volunteers in order to get to know and better understand Chinese culture together (cultural level).
- The specialists prepare the volunteers through seminars and personal support for their service in the youth and social area of the CYMCA and other Chinese YMCA (practical work level).
- The specialists advise the Chinese YMCA in order to reflect and expand on the work of the volunteers and the development of their social services.
2. Intercultural development - The new skilled workers encourage getting to know and understanding between Chinese and German young people and NGOs (non-governmental organizations). This prepares young people in China and Germany to take on their role in a globalized world (global citizenship) and to appreciate the culture of the foreign.
- In all planned activities, the specialists convey values to Chinese and German young people (appreciation of the culture of the foreign, justice, freedom, peace, etc.) and reflect with them on the cultural similarities and differences. Together with the young people, forms of constructive interaction between cultures are developed and tested. What is acquired improves the intercultural competence of young people and thereby facilitates / enables them to live as global citizens. (Global Citizenship).
3. Personal development - The new professionals offer young people (exchange programs, voluntary services) a platform and opportunities to be promoted through a mutual exchange as youth leaders for service in their respective society. The basics of practiced youth work and non-formal education in theory and practice in the respective countries must be made known to both German and Chinese youth and youth leaders.
- The specialists encourage young people and youth leaders in their social work and support them in managing or participating in exchange programs. While accompanying young people in youth exchanges, the youth leader is encouraged to develop his socio-pedagogical skills. They can then apply these in service in their respective societies.
- The specialists ensure that the young people come into contact or work with at least three different social target groups in the respective countries.
4. The new specialists coordinate, intensify and optimize the voluntary services and youth and specialist exchange measures between Germany and China (preparation, support and evaluation).
- The specialists communicate regularly with all partners involved and create meeting platforms through personal contacts (encounters, email, telephone, etc.), team meetings and preparatory meetings.
- The specialists are involved in the planning of all German-Chinese exchange projects. The specialists coordinate and work on individual measures to varying degrees.
- The specialists help select the volunteers in Germany and China, prepare them and accompany them on site through regular reflection meetings and organize the necessary intermediate seminars. The deployment of the volunteers in China is optimized through sustainable agreements and knowledge transfer from the previous year.
5. The new skilled workers ensure the sustainability of the development of the Sino-German partnership between the NGOs.
- Sustainability is ensured through the establishment of knowledge management for the promotion and development of partnerships (culture, official channels, regulations, visa requirements) and the recruitment and training of volunteer and full-time employees in child and youth work for German-Chinese encounters .
6. The new specialists support the establishment of new voluntary services and German-Chinese partnerships.
- The specialists inform interested YMCA / CVJM about the possibilities of partnerships and the associated activities, including funding and networks. When joint activities come about, those involved are accompanied and trained by the specialists.
7. The new specialists will network the Chinese YMCA movement with the German community in Hong Kong and China Mainland.
- The specialists establish contact with German communities, companies and organizations in Hong Kong and China. Together they determine a possible cooperation in the form of exchange programs or tasks for the volunteer service providers.
- The young people bring the specialist knowledge they have acquired in the seminars to the communities, companies and organizations, thereby encouraging their German employees to also get involved in civil society.